What We Do

We work specifically with businesses looking for direct lead generation.

We specialize in personality brands, we help coaches, course creators, and consultants build their clients lists and brands, so they can focus on their zone of genius.

We engineer funnels that ensure we place you strategically in the marketplace, so you can thrive even in the most competitive niches.

Our compelling, creative copy is conversion focus, yet entertains. From landing pages, to email marketing, and ad copy... EBB Marketing GETS results.

We let you focus on your zone of genius

Funnel Builds

A funnel is so much more than a landing page or two. A funnel is the vehicle that houses the customer's journey. From the client's initial contact with you, through paid client, it is each step of the funnel that enables a person to evaluate you and your offer.

Our funnels accelerate the know, like, and trust factor as we've mastered the art of omnipresence. This ensures your audience sees you as the Coca Cola in your niche, whether you have thousands of followers or tens of thousands.

What many don't realize is that the customer journey is as unique as your thumb print. A one size cookie cutter approach will not work. Creating profitable funnels that convert new leads into paying clients is what we do best at EBB Marketing.

Done For You Ads Management

Facebook & Instagram Advertising

Our growth focused campaigns across social media drive client acquisition and revenue for businesses and personality brands. Our secret is our method.

  • Explore: We dive deep into your brand & target audience enabling us to identify campaign objectives and design a plan for growth.

  • Compose: Utilizing best practices that are working today, we design ad copy and source images that garner qualified leads and land you sales/clients.

  • Manage: We analyze data, refresh, and optimize your campaign as well as provide you with weekly reports.

From our in-depth 3-4 session client on-boarding, to our extensive process, and expert targeting, our ad creatives and copy speak straight from the soul of your ideal client, leaving them wondering how in the world you violated their head space.

We know how to build, launch, and optimize a campaign. Everything we do is based on data, and with rapid fire testing we can optimize a campaign in as little as 4-6 weeks and get it working like a well oiled machine.

This enables you to focus solely on what you do best.... creating new content.


What you say and how you say it matter's. Let's tell your story.

Everywhere we look we see copy or words online. Product descriptions, social media captions, ads and more! If you want that potential client to convert, you've got to grab their attention and once you've got it, lock it in! Here at EBB Marketing we thrive on the challenge of finding the perfect phrase and powerful word combinations that cut through the noise.

We will help you identify your brand story, hook, and unique brand advantage that speaks directly to your ideal customer's problems, eliminates their doubt, and assures them that you're the expert with their solution!

Even if you have no online experience, book a call today to see how we can get your business scaled up and moving in the right direction!

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