Hi! I'm Elizabeth

(Not EBB!)

My business name stems not from 'ebb & flow', although I do enjoy the aspect that many things in life (and life itself) have it's ebbs & flows, it represents myself and my two children; Beth & Ben.

You see, when I began my formal training as a social media ad/funnel strategist, it was suggested that I choose my own name as a business name, and if not my own name, then a name that represents something meaningful to you. I racked my brain tossing ideas about and mulling over the perfect name! It was only when I shared my dilemma with my young Son, he suggested "Elizabeth and kids", as he explained "Me and Sissy are the most important to you"! Boom, a name was made!

So, about myself. I've always been a go-getter, never taking "no" as an answer. I always found my way around and sought opportunity. Surprisingly, at a fairly young age, I found myself a single Mother to a beautiful 15 month old, and had to figure out a better path for us. I headed back to post-secondary and obtained a three year-Business Management/Marketing diploma. Immediately in 2011 I found myself in the sales and marketing world and kept on going. I landed myself with a local, international company, and grew so much as a Marketer. I wore many hats and was allowed to spread my wings. I completely rebranded a (then) 23+ company and have watched them benefit to this day.

I enjoyed working there, but wanted more. My priorities shifted as my family grew, and I craved more time with them and the things I hold dear. I've always felt I was a helper, and searched for ways I could help in this world. It eventually began to make sense, using my skills and abilities to help others achieve their goals.

So I made a huge leap and began my journey as an ad/funnel strategist. My passion is helping clients weave story into every piece of their marketing to increase intimacy and conversions.

Working with my gifts and in my truth... I meet entrepreneurs where they are and partner with them to map out a strategic plan, so they can energetically and confidently take action towards making their goals tangible.

I know what it takes to succeed...

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that anything is possible, so long as you have two things.

First, someone in your corner.

Second, the tools.

So that's what I provide. Someone in your corner & the tools.

See, too many entrepreneurs are struggling because they don't know how to invest in their growth. And many don't understand the pieces of a diverse marketing plan.

This is where I help them build a 3-dimensional plan that will ensure they are placed competitively in the marketplace. You can attract quality, dream clients to you, nurture them in all the ways they need to be held, and develop a brand that has them asking, “How Can I Work With You?”

And I can help you do it!

If you believe with a passion that you were put on this earth with a gift, and you feel an undeniable calling to share that with the world, then my friend, YOU are my people!

It may not be easy.

I may ask you to hit go before you’re ready.

I may ask you to do things scary.

But I will also give you the tools you need, the coaching you deserve, and the strategy to ensure your investment is positioned to offer you the greatest return.

If I partner with you it’s because I undoubtedly believe I can help you.

I will partner with you like any business partner would, and I’ll invest my heart in your goals.

Anything less is simply not in my nature.

So here’s to chasing the vision, being authentic, serving with integrity, and ultimately- trusting the process

Ready to have a conversation?

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